Starett Lodge

Uniting Starrett Lodge is a Residential Aged Care Facility (RACF) located in Hamlyn Terrace on the NSW Central Coast. Uniting contracted EJE to undertake the architectural design and documentation of 20 new resident rooms, living areas and central facilities within the existing 60-bed RACF. Additionally, EJE designed seven new independent living units (ILUs) adjacent to the recently completed ILU development on the shared site at Hamlyn Terrace. This development was to align with Uniting’s new Design Guide and household model which we worked closely with Uniting’s Facility Manager and Development Manager to implement into the design.

Our design concept includes the creation of four separate households, each accommodating twenty residents, as well as the integration of new central facilities. These facilities consist of a cafe, activities room, chapel, salon, consultation rooms, and office space. To ensure convenient access, these central facilities are directly accessible via a new car park and road network.

The site planning strategy aims to enhance internal partnerships within the village by orienting the new entry to the northern side of the building. This location facilitates easy access for the adjacent ILU residents on the site to activate the shared space.